“I had thought I needed to stay in Dublin in order to progress my career but moving to Sligo has actually helped advance it further. Moving to my home town of Sligo has also afforded me more disposable income and personal time.
I spent seven years in Dublin and, while I did enjoy my life there, the rent was crazy – sometimes double the cost of rent in Sligo. And over the last year, Dublin was starting to feel more congested.
When I finished my Computer Science degree in UCD three years ago, the options were clear – it was Dublin or abroad. But now there are great opportunities in other parts of the country as well.
I’m just 26 years old so I still need to focus on my career and I thought I needed to stay in Dublin to do that. But moving back to Sligo has helped to advance my career as Overstock has given me many great opportunities.
While in Dublin, I worked with Microsoft and that was a wonderful experience but, since moving to Overstock in November 2018, I have had the chance to be more involved in projects from beginning to end.
I’m also planning to buy a house in Sligo and I have enough saved for a deposit; it would have taken a few more years to be able to afford a deposit for a place in Dublin.
I’m really happy with the move. It’s nice to be back home and, most importantly, I’m enjoying great opportunities in work, in a relaxed environment and enjoying a better pace of life.”
SOURCE: Collins McNicholas Recruitment and HR Services Group